Saturday, November 10, 2012

This week has been crazy! Starting to feel overwhelmed and wondering if I am going to pull this semester off.  Things just aren't going as smoothly, having technology issues which is stressful. Live Text is frustrating I have copies of things that I would like to get rid of and can't. To top it off I have my MTLE on Friday and don't feel even close to being ready.  I really hope things start turning around.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Today was my first 5hrs of field experience and it was AWESOME!  I was at Woodson Kindergarten Center which has 17 kindergarten classrooms. It is set up where there is a red and green hallway each class was a different animal. I am with Mr. Jensen in The Red Moose Room. I was able to enjoy there literacy time and math I jumped right in helping.  I also joined  in the play center and smart area which is based from The Smart Curriculum which has large motor activities that works their brain. To have a room strictly for that is a blessing.  I am looking forward to my next visit!